Server: Scarlet Crusade
Alignment: Alliance
- Laheth and Tusk
- Level 63 Night Elf Beast Mastery Hunter, and my primary character.
- Saved from a life of mediocrity by Big Red Kitty's blog... until I swapped from Marksman to Beast Mastery, my soloing was not very fun, and since that's what I mostly did, he sat on the shelf level-wise for a long while.
- Starrlia
- Early 40s Human Protection Paladin. Specifically created for grouping with two other characters (Starrlya and Starrlea)
- Chimmery
- Early 30s Gnome Mage. Currently Arcane specialized, although that could change at any time.
- Far and away my most social character, but also a character who I don't level much... I think he broke 30 before the Burning Crusade hit, to give you an idea.
- Saryss
- Early 20s Night Elf Rogue. Combat specialized, and an absolute blast to play on rare occasion... I usually like grouping with somebody else so I can backstab over and over and over again. There's something strangely satisfying about that.
- Ashcraft
- Late teens Gnome Warlock. She's affliction right now, but I'm going to do some research and see if I wouldn't like Demonology more (especially given how much fun I'm having as a Beast Mastery hunter).
- Djellin
- Late 20s Draenei Warrior. Protection spec'd, and intrinsically tied to a couple other characters when it comes time to playing. We (my wife and I) do that a fair amount.
- Stray
- I think she's level 3? My wife and I made near-identical Night Elf Druids that we plan on running together as ferals. Should be a blast, as well as a breeze (she played another druid up to 64, switching between resto and balance).
Alignment: Horde
- Strael
- Early 30s Blood Elf Paladin. Currently running a hybrid holy/protection spec, but am tempted to make him a retnoob to level. Technically my primary horde character, but I haven't played him in quite a whiles.
- Vandren and Sucha
- Late teens Blood Elf Hunter. Beast Mastery. Another boar-partner (this one's black!)
- Lilindra
- Blood Elf Rogue... fairly similar to Saryss, except she's horde ^_^
Yeah... that's all of them. I'm an altaholic... and I like elves.
In my defense, my first character ever was on another server, and he was an undead rogue... and I think I've had and deleted one of every race at some point.
Somebody knows you're here. :)
Feign Death!
Now if only I could teach my pet to Play Dead too.
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