Friday, April 25, 2008


So apparently I'm an official WoW pusher. I have a really good friend who spent several of her college years on MUDS. She has been trying really hard to not do another one cuz she has a life and honestly enjoys it. (we both have an addictive personality when it comes to games) So last week I installed WoW on her fiance's laptop... At least now they aren't fighting over the television cuz she wants to play 360 and he wants to watch a program. Although he did threaten to turn off the WiFi when it was bed time the other night >_<
By the way... this is the same girl who got me hooked on Oblivion & Mass Effect. Turn about is fair play, right? And tonight I'm gonna help her get her druid bear form! So exciting!!

We are also going to see a concert tomorrow night with them (the same couple as above) at a super cool theatre (where you have a sit down dinner while you watch the show). I am super excited. The last time I saw Jonathan Coulton was at PAX 2007. Such a great time!

I have a new job. It has been 2 weeks and I still like it. I hope the job continues to be enjoyable. The best part: my Love drives me to work every morning (even tho my job is across the street... that is just too cute!) on his way to work. That means because he leaves for work early he gets to come earlier than he usually does! Plus we get to eat breakfast together and get ready together... I just re-read that and wow... I fear we are too cute. heheh... I just love him so very much!!

Last week a friend of ours lent us the new Smash Bros. game for the Wii. We've been trying to finish off the plot before tonight cuz we're scared he's gonna try to reclaim it when he comes over to watch Gundam Seed. We're almost done... I hope Gauntlet gets to come home a little early to play before our friends show up so we can finish it off!

and one last thing... Kirby!

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